
Professor Bob Works

Bob Works

Margaret R. Larson Professor of Insurance Law Emeritus

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Professor Works is the Margaret R. Larson Professor of Insurance Law. From 1967 to 1969, he was a Legislative Research Fellow at the University of Michigan Law School. From 1969 to 1970, he was a special consultant to the Michigan Department of Commerce and was a staff member of the Michigan Governor's Commission on Insurance Availability in Urban Core Areas. He joined the Nebraska faculty in 1970.

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Professor Paul Weitzel

Paul Weitzel

Assistant Professor of Law

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Professor Paul Weitzel joined the UNL faculty in 2022. Prior to that he worked in Silicon Valley and the Middle East conducting international transactions on six continents. His most notable deal was the initial public offering of the Saudi Arabian Oil Company, the largest initial public offering to date. Professor Weitzel’s experience covers mergers and acquisitions, international and domestic capital markets, venture capital and infrastructure.

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Brett Stohs

Brett C. Stohs

Schmid Professor for Excellence in Teaching, Director of Clinical Programs, Cline Williams Director of the Weibling Entrepreneurship Clinic, Clinical Associate Professor of Law

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Professor Stohs joined the faculty in March 2012 to establish and direct a new in-house legal clinic that provides legal assistance to entrepreneurs and startup businesses. Since the Weibling Entrepreneurship Clinic opened in 2013, Professor Stohs has been pursuing research interests in the application of mind mapping software to clinical legal education. His particular interests relate to using mind mapping techniques to optimize client assignments to student participants in a live-client clinic. 

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Professor Rob Denicola

Robert C. Denicola

Margaret R. Larson Professor of Intellectual Property Law Emeritus

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Professor Denicola joined the Law College faculty in 1976. He received a B.S.E. degree from Princeton University in 197l and a J.D. degree from Harvard Law School in 1974. He also received an LL.M. degree from Harvard in 1976. Professor Denicola worked with a Boston law firm before coming to Nebraska. He has also been a visiting professor at Cornell University and the University of Alabama, and was Acting Dean of the Law College from 1994-96. Professor Denicola teaches courses in Contracts, Copyright, and Unfair Competition.

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