College of Law graduation information

Dear class of 2020:

It saddens me that we will not get to celebrate your big day this May with our traditional College of Law graduation ceremony. Please know that we’re all still so proud of your accomplishments and are working to come up with a way to celebrate on May 9th.

As a special gift, and to commemorate your graduation, the University will be sending a complimentary tam and tassel to congratulate you. Yours will be specific to the College of Law and not what other doctoral or undergraduate students receive. Therefore, the tassel will remain purple, just as other College of Law graduates have received. Please note that your original purchase was for the hood, tam, and tassel but does not include the gown. The gown is a rental.

Regarding regalia, you have some options:

Full refund = $85

  • You do not plan to participate in a future ceremony in August or December or May 2021.
  • OR
  • You plan to participate in a future ceremony but would prefer a refund at this time. Therefore, you will re-order when the time comes to do so.

No refund = Your order will remain on hold until a future August or December or May 2021 ceremony.

Partial refund/Hood Purchase= $34.95

  • Do not choose this option if you plan to participate in a future ceremony, as you’ll receive a hood at that time.
  • This option is for those who do not plan to participate in a future ceremony but would still like the doctoral hood.
  • $25 (hood) + $9.95 (shipping)
  • Photo of hood attached (Nichole handing it to Prof. Stohs).

Family Traditions Ceremony

This ceremony normally takes place prior to graduation and involves graduates who have relatives (mom, sister, aunt, in-law, etc.) who are Nebraska College of Law graduates. Under normal circumstances, we’d present a plaque and read a short bio of your family member(s). However, this year, we’re unsure of how said tradition will be honored but would still like to provide you with a plaque to commemorate your family’s dedication to Nebraska Law. If you’ve already contacted me, no need to follow-up. For all others, please note the additional question on the Google form below.

Please complete this Google form for both regalia & Family Traditions by May 1, selecting the option(s) that fit you best.
