Woomera Manual Available for Preorder

22 Jan 2024    

Preorder is now available for "The Woomera Manual on the International Law of Military Space Operations," a project that our Director, Jack Beard, has been working meticulously on over the past few years. The Woomera Manual analyzes 3 phases of military space interactions: peace, tension or crisis, and armed conflict. It also delves into different legal regimes, history of the law in this area, and state practice. Drafts of the manual were reviewed and commented on by numerous countries at The Hague in 2022. 

The manual is available for pre-order at https://global.oup.com/academic/product/the-woomera-manual-on-the-international-law-of-military-space-operations-9780192870667?cc=us&lang=en&.