Professor Matthew Schaefer’s co-authored coursebook, International Business Transactions A Problem-Oriented Coursebook, is now in its fourteenth edition.
The book introduces law students to the conduct of business in the world community and is designed to survey a wide range of laws involving trade, licensing and investment and to explore how issues and problems are addressed by lawyers as problem solvers and risk managers.
Professor Schaefer has primary responsibility for the problems related to the World Trade Organization, U.S.-China trade, U.S. customs law, non-tariff technical barriers to trade, USMCA and free trade agreements, trade negotiations without tariff-cutting (e.g. IPEF), tariff preferences for developing countries under GSP and AGOA, government procurement, export controls, Cuba sanctions, anti-boycott regulations, international franchising, gray market goods, Section 337 remedies against patent infringing imports, TRIPs and compulsory licensing of pharmaceuticals, and technology transfer agreements.