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ABA Journal article features LL.M. Alumna, Current Student and Professor

30 May 2013    

The American Bar Association Journal article, Space Law is Taking Off, features insights from current online student Maria-Vittoria "Giugi" Carminati, 2012 alumna Jenifer Lamie, and space law expert, Professor Frans von der Dunk. Lamie says, “We are at the very beginning of a completely new, very sexy and incredibly challenging industry that will push the limits of human ingenuity... If we can tailor the laws regulating the industry to foster growth—without being too overly sensitive to the inherent risks involved—I don’t see any limits to what we can accomplish in the future.”

Professor von der Dunk Quoted on Property Rights in Asteroid Mining

30 May 2013    

January 22, 2013, Professor Frans von der Dunk was quoted in a Christian Science Monitor article by Peter Spotts, Asteroid mining: Second company announces plans. Time to stake a claim? von der Dunk discusses the need for "a sensible and balanced regime" for exploiting space resources is well in advance of "the first actual activities."

Professor Campbell Speaking at 2012 Advanced Communications Summit

10 Dec 2012    

Adjunct Professor Fred Campbell will be speaking at the Advanced Communications Summit 2012, hosted by the Advanced Communications Law and Policy Institute (ACLP) at New York Law School in Philadelphia, December 11-12, 2012. The ACLP's mission is to promote robust and solution-focused dialogues amongst state and federal policy makers, industry, academe, the financial community and consumers concerning changes to the state and federal regulatory regimes governing wireline, wireless, broadband and IP platforms.
The Laws of Spaceflight, Giugi Carminati and Jenifer Lamie

Laws of Spaceflight Text Receives More Press

01 Dec 2012    

Current student Maria-Vittoria Carminati (Giugi) and alumni Jenifer Lamie, '12, co-authors of "The Laws of Spaceflight: A Guidebook for New Space Lawyers." received more praise and press in a article, "Do You Have Right Stuff to be a Space Lawyer?" The article focuses on their love of space and Giugi admits "I'm fundamentally a nerd."
Professor Frans von der Dunk

Professor von der Dunk invited by United Nations to speak in Buenos Aires

01 Nov 2012    

Upon the invitation of the United Nations Professor Frans von der Dunk was in Buenos Aires to present at the United Nations/Argentina Workshop on Space Law November 5-8, 2012. He spoke on 'Responsibility and Liability for National Space Activities' and 'Legal Aspects of GNSS Applications - The Case of Liability' as well as educated attendees about the Space, Cyber, and Telecommunications LL.M. program.
Professor Fred Campbell

Professor Campbell Participates in 4G World Conference in Chicago

01 Oct 2012    

Adjunct Professor and Nebraska Law Alumni, Fred Campbell spoke at 4G World on October 29th. Professor Campbell's sessions included: Global Digital TV Migration Liberating 700 MHz for Mobile Broadband, participation in a Executive Round-table on Global and Regional 4G Spectrum Alignment, and a "fireside chat" with FCC Commissioner Pai.
Professor Matthew Schaefer and Professor Frans von der Dunk

Professors Featured on ABILA International Law Weekend Panel

01 Oct 2012    

October 25th-27th Professors Matt Schaefer and Frans von der Dunk spoke on the ABILA International Law Weekend Panel. The panel, titled Resource Management in Common (Non-Sovereign) Areas: Law of the Sea and Space Law Compared, focused on discussion of the legal and economic implications for space exploration and exploitation of the
Common Heritage of Mankind concept in the Moon Agreement and in UNCLOS, rights to mine, responsibilities to share, and regime characteristics.
Stratcom picture from

Contract to Expand Interaction Between U.S. Military and College of Law's Space, Cyber and Telecommunications Law Program

01 Oct 2012    

A partnership between NU and the United States Strategic Command, based at Offutt Air Force Base, created a University-Affiliated Research Center. "The UARC will allow the program to further fulfill U.S. government needs through additional research, conferences and training programs," Program Director Professor Matt Schaefer said said to Newsroom Announcments. "Since military space, civil space, and commercial space activities all have national security implications, the program will continue to focus on issues facing all these arenas of space activity."