Finding Employment

The search for legal employment, whether you are a student or a graduate, can be complex and frustrating. The Career Development Office exists to help you with this search. While we can’t find a job for you, we strive to bring together the resources, programs, strategies, and information that you will need in conducting a successful job search.

Handouts and in-depth guides covering the major areas of concern for most job seekers are available on this website. This is just enough to get you started on the right track. There is no replacement for one-on-one counseling.

Person hand on table and papers talking to another person, conducting an interview


It is essential to be professional if you want to be successful, but what does “being a professional” mean? It could mean dressing the part at work, or it could mean performing well at your job. It could also mean attaining professional degrees or other certifications. Professionalism includes all of these things and even more. Learn More

Three people talking

Application Materials

Many jobs are secured through networking and referrals, but regardless of how the process begins, eventually someone will ask for your job application materials. You need to be ready. The main purpose of the application materials is to get you in the door. To do this effectively, they must offer clear, concise and error-free information. Learn More


The Career Development Office provides our students the resources necessary to conduct a successful search for employment. We also strive to build the knowledge base and network needed to promote a successful job search. Learn More

Books on bookshelf


Congratulations! You have landed an interview. In most cases this means that on paper you look like you could do the job you are applying for. Now the employer is trying to decide which of the qualified candidates will be the best fit. Learn More