Women's Leadership Initiative


Group of people talking, one person is pointing

The College of Law is committed to its Women's Leadership Initiative – an initiative focused on providing women lawyers with the leadership training and professional network they need to successfully navigate the profession. The Women's Leadership Initiative moves into its 4th year of programming with a full slate of opportunities available to its alumni and friends.

Rising Strong Circles

Unfortunately, we remain in unprecedented times. How do we rise? This year's Women's Leadership Initiative will kickoff on Tuesday, September 6th from 4:30-6:00 p.m. with wine, cheese, and a book discussion of Brene Brown's Rising Strong and how we might apply its lessons to our post-pandemic lives. Can't attend in person? Virtual circles are available too. Just select that option upon registration. Cost is $25 and includes a copy of the book delivered to you by August 15th. 

Now. Leadership Cohorts

The Now. Leadership Cohort focuses on teaching leadership skills to mid-career attorneys - those who have just become partners or are on the brink of partnership; attorneys who are taking on leadership roles within their firms or organizations. In addition to learning key leadership skills and theories, participants will apply them to situations in which they routinely find themselves and build supportive relationships with cohort members that last well beyond the formal cohort gatherings. Both in person and virtual cohorts are available. Cost to participate in the cohort is $500 and space is limited to 15 per cohort. 

“I learned more than I thought I would about communication styles and power dynamics. This has helped me better communicate my expectations, resolve issues and address conflict with my partner in practice, the employees I manage and the peers I work with on seminars, boards, and outside organizations. I am much more aware of the type of influence I hold on people and am using strategies to build the strength of my core team and do a better job in recognizing the value they provide to the organization in ways that matter to them. I learned that many problems are not isolated to big firms or small firms and that even though I came from an extremely small firm in a rural area, my peers were having the same issues I was in my law practice. The major benefit I found in this program was that it created a network of women that wanted to help and learn from each other. It was a group of women all committed to becoming better, stronger, more effective leaders in our organizations that were not afraid to ask the tough questions, to provide honest feedback, and to make sure you saw the value in yourself for your organization."

Christin P. Lovegrove


“As I celebrated by tenth year of practicing law in a private firm, I was looking for ways to continue growing my leadership and communication skills, to build upon successes in business development, and to network with other professional women facing the same challenges - and celebrating the same successes - in this stage of our careers. I found all of that in the Now.Leadership Cohort. 

The opportunity to be part of the Now.Leadership Cohort has been invaluable to me, both personally and professionally. Quarterly meetings with a group of driven women, educational opportunities, in-depth discussions and problem-solving left me feeling each meeting more empowered, more engaged in my career, and more prepared for future leadership opportunities. And, going forward, I’m part of a fantastic group of women committed to staying connected and engaged as we move through our careers.”

Tara Stingley


“I participated in the inaugural Now. Leadership Cohort. I enjoyed connecting with other women who are leaders in our respective organizations and encountering the same issues and facing the same struggles. This group provided a peer sounding board for candid discussions about how to maximize our potential as leaders. Positive momentum and positive energy were two themes I carried with me after each gathering.”

Tara Paulson


“As a first year associate, the New! Associate Acceleration Academy helped me to transition from the role of a law student into one of a lawyer. Being part of the Academy helped me to develop the mindset necessary to achieve success and taught me how to utilize my strengths in the practice of law. I also enjoyed the Academy’s many opportunities to network with other new associates practicing throughout Omaha, Lincoln and greater Nebraska, as well as more established attorneys.”

Alyssa Stokes