Class Profiles


Fall 2023 Entering Class Profile
Number in entering class:150
Percent from Nebraska:42%
Percent from out of of state58%
Percent students of color:20%*
Percent female:44%
Percent male:55%
Percent other:1%
Average age:24.08
Percent 27 years old or older:17%
Number of undergraduate institutions represented:68
Number of majors represented:45
Median LSAT:158
25%-75% LSAT:154-160
Median GPA:3.75


Graduating Class of 2023
Ultimate Bar Passage Rate: 
Top Employment States: 
Percent of class employed in all JD-Advantage & JD-Required Positions: 


*percentage includes people of Middle Eastern and Northern African descent, who are counted as Caucasian by the American Bar Association


Fall 2023 Entering Class Profile
Number in entering class:147
Percent from Nebraska:50%
Percent from out of of state50%
Percent students of color:20%
Percent female:42%
Percent male:58%
Percent other: 
Average age:24.2
Percent 27 years old or older:17%
Number of undergraduate institutions represented:69
Number of majors represented:49
Median LSAT:158
25%-75% LSAT:155-161
Median GPA:3.72


Graduating Class of 2022
2019 Ultimate Bar Passage Rate:95.69%
Top Employment States:Nebraska, South Dakota, Colorado
Percent of class employed in all JD-Advantage & JD-Required Positions:92%


Fall 2023 Entering Class Profile
Number in entering class:161
Percent from Nebraska:58%
Percent from out of of state42%
Percent students of color:14%
Percent female:48%
Percent male:52%
Percent other: 
Average age:24.4
Percent 27 years old or older:16%
Number of undergraduate institutions represented:68
Number of majors represented:51
Median LSAT:158
25%-75% LSAT:155-161
Median GPA:3.64


Graduating Class of 2021
2018 Ultimate Bar Passage Rate:93.81%
Top Employment States:Nebraska, South Dakota, Illinois
Percent of class employed in all JD-Advantage & JD-Required Positions:87%