Nebraska Public Interest Law Fund Spotlight: Paul Bachman, Law Office of Seamus Kelly

Paul Bachman portrait

by Paul Bachman

The Nebraska Public Interest Law Fund (NPILF) Summer Fellowships provide a limited number of stipends to University of Nebraska College of Law students who secure public interest positions with a host organization that serves an unmet legal need.

2L Paul Bachman, a 2019 NPILF recipient, worked at the Law Office of Seamus Kelly, a Nebraska Law alumnus. Although NPILF doesn’t traditionally fund students working in private practice, it does carve out an exception for practices that are limited (or substantially limited) to clients comparable to those served by government supported or non-profit legal services commissions.

Mr. Kelly operates a niche law firm that serves almost exclusively people with disabilities, their families, and their caregivers. People with disabilities are among the poorest and most at-risk population in Nebraska. Kelly represents clients in guardianship matters, special education, and administrative appeals and accepts court appointments in juvenile and probate court. Most of his clientele are people with limited income whose cases don't meet the criteria for any of the non-profit organizations that provide legal services, but also don't have money for the large retainers that many firms require. Kelly provides a substantial amount of pro bono and reduced rate work.

What were your main responsibilities this summer? How did you spend your time?

Most of my time was spent researching issues as they came up. This involved finding statutory authority, case law, and administrative codes. Most of the issues revolved around appeals of denial of Medicaid services, denial of developmental disability services, and special education issues. I also learned how to write petitions for individuals seeking guardianship over disabled persons.

What drew you to this type of work and how did you find this particular opportunity?

I was drawn to this type of work because of my background. Before law school I worked as a direct provider for people with developmental disabilities. I secured this opportunity through a referral from another attorney and a targeted mailing.

What did you most enjoy about the experience?

Interacting with the clients and being able to see how client interviews are conducted. My supervising attorney was very helpful and included me in all areas of his practice from interviewing clients to drafting petitions to attending hearings. My favorite part about my summer work was the amount of hands-on work and real-world experience I received. I was able to draft petitions, attend court and administrative hearings, and see firsthand how a case moves through the system from filing to the judge issuing an order/decision.

How has your summer experience impacted you or your view of the legal system?

This experience has shown me how important public interest work and the legal system is to individuals who can’t afford typical private attorneys. Mr. Kelly is technically a private attorney, but he does significant pro bono and public interest work by catering to clients who do not qualify for services through Legal Aid or Disability Rights Nebraska.

Would you recommend this placement to others? Why or why not?

Yes, if they are interested in disability and/or special education law. My supervising attorney was great about answering my questions and providing guidance when needed.

What would you say to someone who was considering donating to NPILF?

NPILF is able to provide excellent opportunities for students like me to get experience in areas of the legal field that are underserved. It not only provides experience for students, but also allows the host organization to get help they need to better serve their clients, who are often left without representation without the organization.

What do you hope to do with your law degree?

I hope to one day have my own general practice office in a small rural town. After working in this position, I also hope to incorporate disability and special education law into my practice as there are few options available to individuals with these issues. To his knowledge, Mr. Kelly is the only private attorney in the state of Nebraska who specializes in disability and special education law.

You can learn more about the Nebraska Public Interest Law Fund (NPILF) and make a donation here.