Faculty and administrators at the University of Nebraska College of Law provide research, influence policy and address access to justice issues in cooperation with departments and agencies throughout the University and across the state. Below you will find information about these collaborations, and also about programs and initiatives supported by the College of Law.
Rural Law Opportunities Program
The Rural Law Opportunities Program (RLOP) aims to ensure all Nebraskans have access to legal representation by encouraging the practice of law in the state’s rural communities. RLOPs are available at Chadron State College, the University of Nebraska at Kearney and Wayne State College.
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Underserved Law Opportunities Program
The Underserved Law Opportunities Program (ULOP) aims to provide the opportunity for a legal education for students in underserved communities, and to encourage students to provide legal services to those communities. Through the program, students will study at the University of Nebraska Omaha, obtain their legal education at Nebraska Law and then practice in areas traditionally underserved by the legal community.
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The Law + Business program is built on our recognition that our graduates will pursue these different paths and our desire to develop lawyers with the skills that will allow them to succeed in doing so. In addition to the traditional range of business law classes, we offer business-related programs of concentrated study, business-related programming for students who will use their law-school training to pursue careers in business, and fellowships and capstone opportunities that give students the opportunity to apply and improve their Law + Business knowledge before graduation.

The Robert J. Kutak Center for the Teaching and Study of Applied Ethics (Ethics Center) is an interdisciplinary resource at the University of Nebraska–Lincoln. Formed in 1985, the Ethics Center aims to serve the needs of faculty who want to incorporate ethics into their teaching and research, and to support efforts encouraging students to act with integrity. The goal of the Center is to highlight the importance of critical thinking and moral reasoning in resolving ethical dilemmas and to encourage its exploration in the context of different disciplines and methods of inquiry.

The Center on Children, Families, and the Law (CCFL) at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln was established in 1987 as a home for interdisciplinary research, teaching, and public service on issues related to child and family policy and services. The Children’s Justice Clinic at the College of Law was formed in partnership with the University of Nebraska Center on Children, Families and the Law in 2017. Students participating in the Children’s Justice Clinic will serve as guardians ad litem in the Lancaster County Juvenile Court under the supervision of adjunct law professor Michelle Paxton. The primary goal of the Children’s Justice Clinic is to provide students with the knowledge, skills and ethical underpinnings necessary to function as effective advocates in a setting involving the legal needs of young children.


Center for Entrepreneurship
The Nebraska Center for Entrepreneurship inspires and enables students to start, improve, and grow new businesses by: encouraging business ownership as a career path; exploring opportunities for new businesses; enabling the understanding, acceptance and execution of the responsibilities of business ownership; facilitating mentor relationships with small business owners; and by connecting business plans with financial and other resources.

Center for Great Plains Studies
The Center for Great Plains Studies is a regional research and teaching program at the University of Nebraska. The mission of the Center is to foster the study the people, cultures, and natural environment of the Great Plains. The Center operates the Great Plains Art Museum, the Plains Humanities Alliance, undergraduate and graduate programs, various scholarly projects, and outreach programs.

Clayton K. Yeutter Institute of International Trade and Finance
The Clayton K. Yeutter Institute of International Trade and Finance builds on strengths present across the university, to expand the international component of its teaching and research programs. Three endowed chairs, which will be the foundation of the institute: the Duane Acklie Chair in the College of Business Administration, the Michael Yanney Chair in the Institute of Agriculture and Natural Resources, and the Clayton Yeutter Chair in the College of Law.

Forsythe Family Program on Human Rights and Humanitarian Affairs
The Forsythe Family Program on Human Rights and Humanitarian Affairs fosters students' curiosity about human rights and their passion for social justice by offering challenging courses, by encouraging students to engage in hands-on human rights work, and by engaging in cutting-edge, interdisciplinary human rights research.

Interdisciplinary Conference on Human Trafficking
The conference is inspired by the human trafficking work of College of Journalism and Mass Communications assistant professor of practice Sriyani Tidball. It features researchers from non-government organizations, academia and governmental organizations. The conference includes sessions for researchers and professionals, and public events.

National Strategic Research Institute
The National Strategic Research Institute at the University of Nebraska is one of 13 University Affiliated Research Centers (UARCs) in the nation. The NSRI provides mission-essential research and development capabilities for United States Strategic Command as well as other Department of Defense components and federal agencies focused on combating weapons of mass destruction.

Public Policy Center
The University of Nebraska Public Policy Center provides a unique opportunity for policy makers and researchers to work together to address the challenges of local, state, and federal policy. Center researchers combine professional expertise with rigorous academic methods and stakeholder involvement. The Center brings commitment to collaborations as well as timely processes and outcomes.

Robert B. Daugherty Water for Food Global Institute
The Robert B. Daugherty Water for Food Global Institute at the University of Nebraska was created to combine the best of the University’s expertise in water and food to address one of the most urgent challenges of the 21st century with significant political, environmental, social and economic implications: how to achieve greater food security with less pressure on water resources.

Access to Justice Commission

American Civil Liberties Union-Nebraska

Civic Nebraska

Confucius Institute

Great Plains Federal Tax Institute

Nebraska Appleseed

Nebraska State Bar Association

U.S. Strategic Command Deterrence and Assurance Academic Alliance