Leslie A. Shaver


Leslie Shaver headshot


Leslie Shaver is Deputy Title IX Coordinator for the University of Nebraska and a lecturer for the University of Nebraska College of Law. She teaches Civil and Criminal Litigation, an undergraduate course in the Business and Law minor/major program. 


  • Civil and Criminal Litigation BLAW 376 (3 cr hr)
    Examines civil and criminal justice system and key legal concepts that frame the operations of these systems, including jurisdiction and venue, civil and criminal case progression, structure and function of key legal documents, discovery and evidence, civil appeals process, components of criminal responsibility criminal defenses, search and seizure, the privilege against self-incrimination, sentencing issues, and the post-conviction process. Examines issues that arise in business settings.


  • J.D., University of Nebraska College of Law (2012)
  • B.J., University of Nebraska-Lincoln (2008)