Extern Planning Form

The purpose of this form is to assist the student and the on-site externship supervisor in the discussion and formulation on of mutual educational goals for the semester and to think about mechanisms for achieving those goals.  Please review and complete this form together at the commencement of the externship. You should plan a meeting, reviewing this page and answering the questions together. 

As part of completing this form, the on-site externship supervisor should explain the policy and practices regarding client confidentiality that may apply to the student’s work during the externship. You will explore this more in the coming weeks, but the student should understand the basic obligations before submitting any assignments for their externship.

This form must be completed and submitted using this webform to the Director of Externships no later than two weeks after the course begins. 

Hint: there are some faculty suggested objectives in the Supervisors Manual here: https://law.unl.edu/Supervisor-Manual

Hint: These should be SMART goals, as in specific, measurable, attainable, relevant, and time-constrained. For example, if your first goal is to "improve my legal writing," this section should lay out how you will practice, receive feedback, and how you will know if you improved. The timeline can easily be measured by the duration of your position.

Examples could include: research skills, writing, issue identification, reasoning, oral advocacy, interpersonal skills, etc.

Your Husker email is required. It should end in @huskers.unl.edu or @unl.edu.