Visiting Student Information & Application

To apply for admission to the University of Nebraska College of Law as a visiting student:

  • Complete the College of Law Visiting Student application and submit the $50 application fee through the LSAC website
  • Request that LSAC send an official copy of your CAS (Credential Assembly Service) report. A copy from your law school will not be accepted.
  • Submit transcripts of all law school work at an American Bar Association (ABA) approved law school showing grades received as of the date of your application. To expedite your application, a letter from the Dean of your current law school listing your grades for your last semester will substitute temporarily for a transcript showing these grades. An explanation of the grading system used at your current law school should accompany your transcript.
  • Request that the Dean of your current law school provide a letter. This letter should should:
    • State that you are in good standing, are eligible to continue at your current law school and are a degree candidate at your law school.
    • State the terms and conditions on which your current law school will accept credit for courses you take at the College of Law, and
    • State your class rank.

Submit the Letter of Good Standing from the Dean and your law school transcripts to:

Office of Admissions
University of Nebraska College of Law
P.O. Box 830902
Lincoln, NE 68583-0902

Admissions Policy

In making admission decisions, the Admissions Committee attempts to identify as best it can those applicants who have the ability to compete successfully in a rigorous academic environment, to contribute to a diverse intellectual community, and to engage successfully in the career of their choice in an increasingly diverse society. Because these characteristics are not always captured by an applicant’s LSAT score or overall grade point average, the Committee considers any upward or downward trend in the applicant’s academic performance over time, the quality of the applicant’s undergraduate institution, the applicant’s major and activities, letters of recommendation, personal statement, educational or economic disadvantages the applicant has overcome to obtain an undergraduate education, status as the first generation in a family to graduate from college or university or attend law school, commitment of future service to underserved communities, and any other information other than race, sex, color, ethnicity, or national origin supplied by the applicant.

Neither the Committee nor the College seeks to obtain any particular number or percentage of diverse candidates, but they do seek a diverse mix of students to ensure that the College has a sufficient range of background and experience in its student body to permit a deep, broad, and vigorous intellectual environment. As this description indicates, the admissions process is flexible, no particular factor in itself determines admission or non-admission, and the Committee has sufficient discretion to consider each applicant individually on the basis of the entire file.