Students participating in the 2-semester Children’s Justice Clinic will graduate with the knowledge and skills necessary to be an effective advocate for our most vulnerable population – children who are abused and neglected. The Director, Michelle Paxton, and the multidisciplinary team from the Center on Children, Families and the Law have created a unique clinical experience for law students which includes:
- Guardian ad Litem Foundations - an intensive classroom component that students will take prior to representing clients in order to learn the foundations of child representation.
- Seminars to enhance and complement the knowledge and skills learned in the foundation course.
- Case consultation from the director and the multidisciplinary team from the Center on Children, Families and the Law.
- Reflective consultation to equip students for handling the emotional nature of the cases.
Every case in juvenile court is unique so no students’ clinical experience will be the same. In the Children’s Justice Clinic, there will be opportunities for peer learning based on their individual experiences.
“This class is an amazing experience. I have learned so much and it will be incredibly beneficial in my career. I have become a lot more comfortable in court and in my judgement as a lawyer. I have learned so many skills that I will be able to transfer to any practice area.”
“This clinic has been absolutely amazing so far and life changing. I view the world differently than I did before and I want to continue doing this work for as long as I am able. Thank you so much for adding the Children's Justice Clinic to the Nebraska College of Law.”
“This has been an eye opening experience. I have succeeded and come up short at different times and it has given me insight into how to better manage myself and the other parties I work with.”
“Being a part of the clinic has expanded my law school education in a way I could have never imagined. Through the CJC, I have learned about the juvenile court system, experienced it in the role of a Guardian Ad Litem, and grown as an advocate. Being a part of this clinic makes me excited for my future as a lawyer and expanded my knowledge of the possibilities a law degree could give me. ”
Rachel Kunz
CJC STUDENT 2018-2019
“The Children’s Justice Clinic (CJC) has been a highlight of my legal education. Abused and neglected children and teens often have many adults in their lives who tell them what to do, but few adults who actually listen to what they want. As student Guardian ad Litems, we try to empower clients to find and amplify their own voice. ”
Shannon Seim
CJC STUDENT 2018-2019
All students except those interested in the Immigration Clinic will be selected by an application process held during the pre-registration period in the spring. In other words, students interested in taking any Clinic other than the Immigration Clinic during the summer, fall or spring must apply and register during the registration period held in the spring. The application deadline is announced in the Sounding Block and by email to student listservs. To apply for a Clinic, students complete an application form and other required documents online. At the time the application deadline is announced, forms will be made available to students so they can complete them. The Dean's Office emails the selection results to students selected.